Remember when you were a kid and the snow was starting to melt? It would turn into slush. The perfect stuff kids like to jump in. It would spray everywhere with each step. The good kids remembered to put their boots on to keep their shoes and socks dry. Now the other kids, I think they grew up to be trail runners. This was the theme of my run on Sat. I knew it would probably rain on me. It had been raining for most of the week. The trails would be muddy. The temps were cool bring snow to the upper parts of the Tiger Mt. The day starts off dry and the trail in good shape. I might get lucky on today’s run. I move easily through the new fallen snow when I get to it. At the top of Tiger three there are a group of hikers that have come from Tiger 2. Good I have a broken trail through the snow. Off down the hill I go, over Tiger two and on to Tiger one. There are still tracks in front of me as I run toward East peak. The snow is in good shape and the mud is still ok. I meet the two runners that set the track as I work my way up East peak. Their track stopped at the road section. I keep going to the summit. So far the temps are keeping the snow dry enough to me to be comfortable. Down and on to Middle peak. Descending Middle peak things start to change. The snow is turning to slush. The snow bombs start coming off the trees. Every step I take I am splashing my other foot. Cold water is going in taking place of the warmed up water there. I make the turn toward South peak and start to wonder what I am doing here? Should I skip South peak today? I look at my watch and see that if I turn around now that I will be out there for enough time to get the workout in I was looking for. This is starting to not be fun; I back track the route I have run. The valley between East and Tiger one is a major slush fest. I run into two trail running friends of my on the way up toward Tiger one. The temperature has gone up since I have started today. The nice snow is now slush, slush and more slush. As I get to the top of Tiger Three things turn better. I can get my feet warmed up on the downhill run back to the car. Today’s run was a lesson in perseverance. I am glad I went out and experienced nature in all it has to offer. It makes the sunny dry trail days so much nicer.